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KCN Consultant & Training.

MyCoID: 201903349562

KCN Consultant & Training (KCN) adalah penyedia latihan yang berdaftar dengan HRD Corp, yang terletak di Kulai, Johor, Malaysia (cari kami di Google Maps dengan menaip KCN Consultant & Training). KCN adalah salah satu penyedia latihan hipnoterapi terkemuka di Malaysia. 

Visi Kami

- Menjadi salah satu penyedia latihan hipnoterapi terbesar di Asia, dengan kos yang berpatutan dan berkualiti tinggi.

Misi Kami
- Mengekalkan kos yang berpatutan, oleh itu semua orang dapat mempelajari hipnoterapi dengan KCN Consultant & Training.
- Mengekalkan kursus dan perkhidmatan yang berkualiti tinggi, oleh itu semua orang dapat mendapat manfaat daripada hipnoterapi melalui KCN Consultant & Training.  

Nilai-nilai Kami
- Beretika, Berintegriti and Ketelusan 
- Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat 
- Kekalkan ia Ringkas & Sistematik 

KCN menawarkan pelbagai kursus latihan: 

- Kursus Hipnoterapi 
- Kursus NLP 
- Kursus Pembangunan Diri 
- Latihan Korporat 
- dan sebagainya 

KCN menyediakan perkhidmatan 1-dengan-1:
- Hipnoterapi  
- Coaching 

Pensijilan (Certification): 

20230920 IHA Approved Course Logo.jpg

Ng Wan Weng 
(a.k.a. Bai Wen Sen)


- Founder of KCN Consultant & Training (KCN) 

- Master Candidate in Education (Educational Psychology), AeU, Malaysia

  • Last subject (Project Paper in Educational Psychology) 


- Bachelor of Finance (Hons), UUM, Malaysia

- DKM TVET I, JPK, KESUMA, Malaysia 

Note 1: DKM is Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia 

Note 2: TVET I is TVET Instruction

Note 3: JPK is Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (DSD, Department of Skill Development)

Note 4: KESUMA (f.k.a. KSM) is Kementerian Sumber Manusia (MOHR, Ministry of Human Resources)

- Accredited Trainer, HRD Corp (PSMB), KESUMA, Malaysia


- Regional Advisor (Malaysia), International Hypnosis Association (IHA), US​​​


Senior Practitioner & Acknowledged Hypnotherapy Supervisor, General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR), UK

- Registered Hypnotherapist, General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR), UK

Note1: GHR  is one of the 10 Verifying Organisation (Professional Association) under Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC).

Note2: CNHC is one of the 2 Accredited Registers under Professional Standards Authority (PSA). PSA under Health and Social Care Act (2012) in the UK, overseeing Regulators (e.g. Doctor) and Accredited Registers (e.g. Hypnotherapist).  

- Fellow Member & Registered Supervisor, Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists and Hypnotherapists (ACCPH), UK ​​

- International Full Member & Hypnotherapy - Clinical Supervision, Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT), UK 


- Certified Hypnotherapy Instructor, Professional Board of Hypnotherapy (PBH), Canada   

- Certified Hypnosis Trainer, American Alliance of Hypnotists (AAH), US 


- Certified Hypnotherapist, International Hypnosis Association (IHA), US, International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association (IMDHA), US & International Association of Counselors & Therapists (IACT), US​​

- Certified Hypnotist, American Alliance of Hypnotists (AAH), US


- Certified Professional Hypnotist, International Certification Board of Coaches and Hypnotists (ICBCH), US


Certified Specialist PLR Therapist, American Hypnosis Association (AHA), US 

- Certified NLP Trainer, American Union of NLP (AUNLP), US 

- Certified NLP Master Practitioner, American Union of NLP (AUNLP), US & International Hypnosis Association (IHA), US 


- Certified NLP Practitioner, American Union of NLP (AUNLP), US & International Hypnosis Association (IHA), US ​​​​

Hipnosis Malaysia | Kursus Hipnosis Malaysia | Kursus Hipnotis Malaysia | Kursus Hipnoterapis Malaysia 

© 2024 KCN Consultant & Training

201903349562 (JM0924852-W)

f.k.a. KCN Consultant

201103081623 (JM0593695-D)

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© 2024 KCN Consultant & Training

201903349562 (JM0924852-W)

f.k.a. KCN Consultant

201103081623 (JM0593695-D)



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