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- Master Candidate in Education (Educational Psychology), AeU, Malaysia

- 教育硕士(教育心理学)在读生 

  • Semester 1 (May 2023 - Aug 2023)

  • Semester 2 (Sep 2023 - Dec 2023)

  • Semester 3 (Jan 2024 - Apr 2024)

  • Semester 4 (May 2024 - Aug 2024)  

  • Break (Sep 2024 - Dec 2024) * I am here now, preparing for my last subject which is research project 

  • Semester 5(Jan 2025 - Apr 2025) 

- Bachelor of Finance (Hons), UUM, Malaysia

- 金融学士 

TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training)

- DKM TVET I, JPK, KESUMA, Malaysia 

- 技职教学文凭(Diploma) 

Note 1: DKM is Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia 

Note 2: TVET I is TVET Instruction

Note 3: JPK is Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (DSD, Department of Skill Development)

Note 4: KESUMA (f.k.a. KSM) is Kementerian Sumber Manusia (MOHR, Ministry of Human Resources)

Professional Liability Insurance

Coverage practice: Hypnotherapy

Coverage territory: Malaysia

Professional Membership/Certification

- Regional Advisor (Malaysia), International Hypnosis Association (IHA), US

- 美国IHA区域顾问(大马) 


- Accredited Trainer, HRD Corp(PSMB), KESUMA, Malaysia

- 马来西亚人力资源部HRD Corp认可培训师 

- TTT Exempted Trainer, HRD Corp(PSMB), KESUMA, Malaysia

- 马来西亚人力资源部HRD Corp豁免培训师 

- Acknowledged Hypnotherapy Supervisor, General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR), UK 

- 英国GHR认可催眠疗法督导 

- Approved School & Approved Instructor, International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association (IMDHA), US 

- 美国IMDHA认可学院 & 认可催眠疗法导师 

- Approved Course Provider, International Hypnosis Association (IHA), US

- 美国IHA认可课程 

- Certified Hypnotherapy Instructor, Professional Board of Hypnotherapy (PBH) *Expires 01 Aug 2021 

- 加拿大PBH认证催眠疗法导师 *Expires 01 Aug 2021 

- Certified NLP Trainer, American Union of NLP (AUNLP), US

- 美国AUNLP认证培训师 

- Certified LOA Trainer, Global Sciences Foundation (GSF), US 

- 美国GSF认证吸引力法则培训师 

Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy 

- Senior Practitioner, General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR), UK

- 英国GHR资深催眠治疗师 

- Registered Hypnotherapist, General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR), UK

- 英国GHR注册催眠治疗师 

Note: GHR  is one of the 10 Verifying Organisation (Professional Association) under Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC). CNHC is one of the 2 Accredited Registers under Professional Standards Authority (PSA). PSA under Health and Social Care Act (2012) in the UK, overseeing Regulators (e.g. Doctor) and Accredited Registers (e.g. Hypnotherapist).  

- Registered Practicing Hypnotherapist, Association of Hypnotherapy Practitioners Malaysia (AHPM), Malaysia 

- 马来西亚AHPM注册执业催眠治疗师 

- Ordinary Member, Malaysian Professional Hypnotherapist Association (MPHA), Malaysia

- 马来西亚MPHA正式会员 

- Ordinary Member,  Malaysia Mind-Body Medicine Practitioners Association (MBMPA), Malaysia

- 马来西亚MBMPA正式会员 

- Certified Hypnotherapist, International Hypnosis Association (IHA), US

- 美国IHA认证催眠治疗师 

- Certified Hypnotherapist, International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association (IMDHA), US

- 美国IMDHA认证催眠治疗师

- Certified Hypnotherapist, International Association of Counselors & Therapists (IACT), US

- 美国IACT认证催眠治疗师 

- Certified Professional Hypnotist, International Certification Board of Coaches and Hypnotists (ICBCH), US

- 美国ICBCH认证专业催眠师 

- Certified Hypnotist, International Hypnosis Association (IHA), US

- 美国IHA认证催眠师 

- Certified Hypnotist, American Alliance of Hypnotists (AAH), US 

- 美国AAH认证催眠师 

- Certified Basic Ericksonian Hypnotist, American Alliance of Hypnotists (AAH), US

- 美国AAH认证艾瑞克森初级催眠师 

NLP & Coaching

- Certified NLP Master Practitoner, International Hypnosis Association (IHA), US

- 美国IHA认证NLP高级执行师 

- Certified NLP Practitoner,  International Hypnosis Association (IHA), US

- 美国IHA认证NLP执行师 

- Certified NLP Master Practitioner, American Union of NLP (AUNLP), US

- 美国AUNLP认证NLP高级执行师 

- Certified NLP Practitioner, American Union of NLP (AUNLP), US

- 美国AUNLP认证NLP执行师 

- Certified Life Coach, American Union of NLP (AUNLP), US

- 美国AUNLP认证人生教练 



- Life Member, Malaysian Mental Health Association (MMHA)

- Life Member, Persatuan Pengamal Terapi Lukisan Rumah Pokok Orang Malaysia (AD-HTP) 

- Life Member, Persatuan Pengamal Terapi Neo-Kognitif Tingkahlaku Malaysia (Neo-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)  

- Professional Affiliate Member (Member No: C2204224463), APA Division 15: Educational Psychology

Professional Training

Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy

Certificate in Hypnotherapy Supervision, Yorkshire Hypnotherapy Training, UK

Certified Hypnotherapy Instructor, The Excel Center Hypnotherapy Training College, Canada

Professional Clinical Hypnotherapist, Hypno Station, Malaysia

- Clinical Hypnosis Training: Advanced Interventions for the Effective Treatment of Trauma, Anxiety, Pain and More, PESI, US (Speaker: Courtney Armstrong, Founder of Trauma-Informed Hypnotherapy) 

Inner Child Masterclass, LCCH Asia

Certified Specialist PLR Therapist, American Hypnosis Association (AHA), US

ICBCH Gold Level Hypnosis, International Certification Board of Coaches and Hypnotists (ICBCH)

Hypnotist, International Chih Tang of Hypnotherapists School, Taiwan

- Certified Basic Ericksonian Hypnotist, American Alliance of Hypnotists (AAH), US

- Certified Hypnotist, American Alliance of Hypnotists (AAH), US

- Basic Hypnotist, hm Life Coaching & Training, Malaysia

Self Hypnosis Instructor, Mottin & Johnson Institute of Hypnosis, US

- Self Hypnosis to Achieve your 2023 Goals!, UK College of Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy

- MindTrance (Self Hypnosis), hm Life Coaching & Training, Malaysia

NLP & Coaching

- Certified NLP Trainer, American Union of NLP (AUNLP), US

- Certified NLP Master Practitioner, American Union of NLP (AUNLP), US

- Certified NLP Practitioner, American Union of NLP (AUNLP), US

- Professional NLP Coaching Certification, NLP School, UK

- Certified Life Coach, American Union of NLP (AUNLP), US


- Intensif TVET I, CIAST, JPK, KESUMA, Malaysia

Note: CIAST is Centre for Instructor and Advanced Skill Training, operated under Manpower Dept., KESUMA from 1991 to May 2007 and transferred to JPK, KESUMA in Jun 2007

- Induksi PP-PPD-PPB, JPK, KESUMA, Malaysia

Note: PP-PPD-PPB is Pegawai Penilai-Pegawai Pengesahan Dalaman-Pengurus Pusat Bertauliah

- NDTS Trainer Training Programme, JPK, KESUMA, Malaysia

Note: SLDN is Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional (NDTS, National Dual Training System)

- Induksi SLDN (NDTS), JPK, KESUMA, Malaysia

- Induksi PP-PPT, JPK, KESUMA, Malaysia

Note: PP-PPT is Pegawai Penilai-Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu

- Induksi PPL, JPK, KESUMA, Malaysia

Note: PPL is Pegawai Pengesahan Luaran 

- Certificate in Practical Counselling (Basic), Academy of Human Development, Singapore

Positive Psychology, Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School, US

- Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), American Hypnosis Association (AHA), US

Mental Health First Aider, Malaysian Mental Health Association (MMHA), Malaysia

Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT), Peachtree Professional Education, Inc., US

- FLEP (Family Link Education Program), D'Home Mental Health Association, Malaysia

- Practitioner of AD-HTP (Art Drawing-House Tree Person), I Psychology and Counselling Academy, Malaysia

- Living in The Present (LiTP) Mindfulness and Wellbeing 6 Weeks Course, Centre for Healthy Minds & Wellbeing, UTAR Kampar Campus, Malaysia  

- Bengkel Sukarelawan Jiwa Malaysia, Institut Sosial Malaysia (ISM), Malaysia 

- International Webinar World Sleep Day 2024: "Sleep Equity for Global Health", Centre for Healthy Minds & Wellbeing, UTAR  Sungai Long Campus, Malaysia

-  Harmony in Healing: MBMPA Conference & AGM 2024 - Bridging Mind and Body for Evidence Based, Clinically Proven Lifestyle Disease Management, Malaysia Mind-Body Medicine Practitioners Association (MBMPA) 

- CBT-H (f.k.a. Neo-CBT) Practitioner, I Psychology and Counselling Academy, Malaysia 

- Master CBT Skills for Holistic Healing, Jabatan Psikiatri dan Kesihatan Mental, Hospital Sultan Abdul Halim, Sungai Petani, Kedah, Malaysia  

- Kursus Pembimbing Komuniti, Institut Sosial Malaysia (ISM), Malaysia 

- QPR Gatekeeper, QPR, US 

- Cognitive Fitness, Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School, US 

- CBT-H Advanced Practitioner (f.k.a. Neo-CBT), I Psychology and Counselling Academy, Malaysia 



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