- Master Candidate in Education (Educational Psychology), AeU, Malaysia
- 教育硕士(教育心理学)在读生
Semester 1 (May 2023 - Aug 2023)
Semester 2 (Sep 2023 - Dec 2023)
Semester 3 (Jan 2024 - Apr 2024)
Semester 4 (May 2024 - Aug 2024)
Break (Sep 2024 - Dec 2024) * I am here now, preparing for my last subject which is research project
Semester 5 (Jan 2025 - Apr 2025)
- Bachelor of Finance (Hons), UUM, Malaysia
- 金融学士
TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training)
- 技职教学文凭(Diploma)
Note 1: DKM is Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia
Note 2: TVET I is TVET Instruction
Note 3: JPK is Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (DSD, Department of Skill Development)
Note 4: KESUMA (f.k.a. KSM) is Kementerian Sumber Manusia (MOHR, Ministry of Human Resources)
Professional Liability Insurance
Coverage practice: Hypnotherapy
Coverage territory: Malaysia
Professional Membership/Certification
- Regional Advisor (Malaysia), International Hypnosis Association (IHA), US
- 美国IHA区域顾问(大马)
- Accredited Trainer, HRD Corp(PSMB), KESUMA, Malaysia
- 马来西亚人力资源部HRD Corp认可培训师
- TTT Exempted Trainer, HRD Corp(PSMB), KESUMA, Malaysia
- 马来西亚人力资源部HRD Corp豁免培训师
- Acknowledged Hypnotherapy Supervisor, General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR), UK
- 英国GHR认可催眠疗法督导
- Approved School & Approved Instructor, International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association (IMDHA), US
- 美国IMDHA认可学院 & 认可催眠疗法导师
- Approved Course Provider, International Hypnosis Association (IHA), US
- 美国IHA认可课程
- Certified Hypnotherapy Instructor, Professional Board of Hypnotherapy (PBH) *Expires 01 Aug 2021
- 加拿大PBH认证催眠疗法导师 *Expires 01 Aug 2021
- Certified NLP Trainer, American Union of NLP (AUNLP), US
- 美国AUNLP认证培训师
- Certified LOA Trainer, Global Sciences Foundation (GSF), US
- 美国GSF认证吸引力法则培训师
Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy
- Senior Practitioner, General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR), UK
- 英国GHR资深催眠治疗师
- Registered Hypnotherapist, General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR), UK
- 英国GHR注册催眠治疗师
Note: GHR is one of the 10 Verifying Organisation (Professional Association) under Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC). CNHC is one of the 2 Accredited Registers under Professional Standards Authority (PSA). PSA under Health and Social Care Act (2012) in the UK, overseeing Regulators (e.g. Doctor) and Accredited Registers (e.g. Hypnotherapist).
- Registered Practicing Hypnotherapist, Association of Hypnotherapy Practitioners Malaysia (AHPM), Malaysia
- 马来西亚AHPM注册执业催眠治疗师
- Ordinary Member, Malaysian Professional Hypnotherapist Association (MPHA), Malaysia
- 马来西亚MPHA正式会员
- Ordinary Member, Malaysia Mind-Body Medicine Practitioners Association (MBMPA), Malaysia
- 马来西亚MBMPA正式会员
- Certified Hypnotherapist, International Hypnosis Association (IHA), US
- 美国IHA认证催眠治疗师
- Certified Hypnotherapist, International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association (IMDHA), US
- 美国IMDHA认证催眠治疗师
- Certified Hypnotherapist, International Association of Counselors & Therapists (IACT), US
- 美国IACT认证催眠治疗师
- Certified Professional Hypnotist, International Certification Board of Coaches and Hypnotists (ICBCH), US
- 美国ICBCH认证专业催眠师
- Certified Hypnotist, International Hypnosis Association (IHA), US
- 美国IHA认证催眠师
- Certified Hypnotist, American Alliance of Hypnotists (AAH), US
- 美国AAH认证催眠师
- Certified Basic Ericksonian Hypnotist, American Alliance of Hypnotists (AAH), US
- 美国AAH认证艾瑞克森初级催眠师
NLP & Coaching
- Certified NLP Master Practitoner, International Hypnosis Association (IHA), US
- 美国IHA认证NLP高级执行师
- Certified NLP Practitoner, International Hypnosis Association (IHA), US
- 美国IHA认证NLP执行师
- Certified NLP Master Practitioner, American Union of NLP (AUNLP), US
- 美国AUNLP认证NLP高级执行师
- Certified NLP Practitioner, American Union of NLP (AUNLP), US
- 美国AUNLP认证NLP执行师
- Certified Life Coach, American Union of NLP (AUNLP), US
- 美国AUNLP认证人生教练
- Life Member, Malaysian Mental Health Association (MMHA)
- Life Member, Persatuan Pengamal Terapi Lukisan Rumah Pokok Orang Malaysia (AD-HTP)
- Life Member, Persatuan Pengamal Terapi Neo-Kognitif Tingkahlaku Malaysia (Neo-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
- Professional Affiliate Member (Member No: C2204224463), APA Division 15: Educational Psychology
Professional Training
Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy
- Certificate in Hypnotherapy Supervision, Yorkshire Hypnotherapy Training, UK
- Certified Hypnotherapy Instructor, The Excel Center Hypnotherapy Training College, Canada
- Professional Clinical Hypnotherapist, Hypno Station, Malaysia
- Clinical Hypnosis Training: Advanced Interventions for the Effective Treatment of Trauma, Anxiety, Pain and More, PESI, US (Speaker: Courtney Armstrong, Founder of Trauma-Informed Hypnotherapy)
- Inner Child Masterclass, LCCH Asia
- Certified Specialist PLR Therapist, American Hypnosis Association (AHA), US
- ICBCH Gold Level Hypnosis, International Certification Board of Coaches and Hypnotists (ICBCH)
- Hypnotist, International Chih Tang of Hypnotherapists School, Taiwan
- Certified Basic Ericksonian Hypnotist, American Alliance of Hypnotists (AAH), US
- Certified Hypnotist, American Alliance of Hypnotists (AAH), US
- Basic Hypnotist, hm Life Coaching & Training, Malaysia
- Self Hypnosis Instructor, Mottin & Johnson Institute of Hypnosis, US
- Self Hypnosis to Achieve your 2023 Goals!, UK College of Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy
- MindTrance (Self Hypnosis), hm Life Coaching & Training, Malaysia
NLP & Coaching
- Certified NLP Trainer, American Union of NLP (AUNLP), US
- Certified NLP Master Practitioner, American Union of NLP (AUNLP), US
- Certified NLP Practitioner, American Union of NLP (AUNLP), US
- Professional NLP Coaching Certification, NLP School, UK
- Certified Life Coach, American Union of NLP (AUNLP), US
- Intensif TVET I, CIAST, JPK, KESUMA, Malaysia
Note: CIAST is Centre for Instructor and Advanced Skill Training, operated under Manpower Dept., KESUMA from 1991 to May 2007 and transferred to JPK, KESUMA in Jun 2007
- Induksi PP-PPD-PPB, JPK, KESUMA, Malaysia
Note: PP-PPD-PPB is Pegawai Penilai-Pegawai Pengesahan Dalaman-Pengurus Pusat Bertauliah
- NDTS Trainer Training Programme, JPK, KESUMA, Malaysia
Note: SLDN is Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional (NDTS, National Dual Training System)
- Induksi SLDN (NDTS), JPK, KESUMA, Malaysia
- Induksi PP-PPT, JPK, KESUMA, Malaysia
Note: PP-PPT is Pegawai Penilai-Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu
- Induksi PPL, JPK, KESUMA, Malaysia
Note: PPL is Pegawai Pengesahan Luaran
- Certificate in Practical Counselling (Basic), Academy of Human Development, Singapore
- Positive Psychology, Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School, US
- Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), American Hypnosis Association (AHA), US
- Mental Health First Aider, Malaysian Mental Health Association (MMHA), Malaysia
- Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT), Peachtree Professional Education, Inc., US
- FLEP (Family Link Education Program), D'Home Mental Health Association, Malaysia
- Practitioner of AD-HTP (Art Drawing-House Tree Person), I Psychology and Counselling Academy, Malaysia
- Living in The Present (LiTP) Mindfulness and Wellbeing 6 Weeks Course, Centre for Healthy Minds & Wellbeing, UTAR Kampar Campus, Malaysia
- Bengkel Sukarelawan Jiwa Malaysia, Institut Sosial Malaysia (ISM), Malaysia
- International Webinar World Sleep Day 2024: "Sleep Equity for Global Health", Centre for Healthy Minds & Wellbeing, UTAR Sungai Long Campus, Malaysia
- Harmony in Healing: MBMPA Conference & AGM 2024 - Bridging Mind and Body for Evidence Based, Clinically Proven Lifestyle Disease Management, Malaysia Mind-Body Medicine Practitioners Association (MBMPA)
- CBT-H (f.k.a. Neo-CBT) Practitioner, I Psychology and Counselling Academy, Malaysia
- Master CBT Skills for Holistic Healing, Jabatan Psikiatri dan Kesihatan Mental, Hospital Sultan Abdul Halim, Sungai Petani, Kedah, Malaysia
- Kursus Pembimbing Komuniti, Institut Sosial Malaysia (ISM), Malaysia
- QPR Gatekeeper, QPR, US
- Cognitive Fitness, Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School, US
- CBT-H Advanced Practitioner (f.k.a. Neo-CBT), I Psychology and Counselling Academy, Malaysia